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Bi-election candidates announced

Monday, 30 September 2019 10:27

By Daniel Clark, Local Democracy Reporting Service

Heavitree and Whipton Councillor has stepped down.

A by-election to elect her replacement is set to take place on Thursday 24th October.

Candidates from the Conservatives, Labour, Liberal Democrats, the Green Party, and the For Britain Movement will contest the election.

The nominated candidates are:

  • John Harvey (Conservatives)
  • Frankie Rufolo (For Britain Movement)
  • Greg Sheldon (Labour)
  • Rowena Squires (Liberal Democrats)
  • Lizzie Woodman (Green)

Anyone wishing to vote must be registered by Tuesday, October 8, and the election will take place on Thursday, October 24.

The elected councillor would serve until May 2021, when the next elections would take place.

Hoping to retain the seat for Labour, Cllr Greg Sheldon, who currently represents Heavitree on Exeter City Council and chairs the Corporate Services Committee.

He has been a member of the city council since 1996 and has very strong connections to the local area, having lived there since he was eleven.

He said: “I’m really thrilled to have been selected as Labour’s candidate for forthcoming Devon County Council by-election, and I’m humbled that local members have put their faith in me so decisively.

“We need to make sure that the Labour’s Group keeps its role as the official opposition at County Hall, now more than ever to stand up to Tory cuts, make our voice heard in Westminster, and get the investment we sorely need for our schools, front line services, and in other areas in partnership NHS.

“Both locally and nationally, the Labour Party have a strong set of policies that will help to make a real difference to people’s everyday lives.”

Rowena, the Liberal Democrat candidate, has lived in Exeter for nearly half a decade and is currently a Research Graduate at the University of Exeter, and commenting on her selection, Rowena said: “Coming from a public sector family, I believe that Liberal Democrat policies are the best solution to the current education, policing, nursing and healthcare crises.

“My aim is to serve the community in any way possible. As Diversity Officer for Exeter Liberal Democrats I am keen to ensure that the voices of all communities are represented and aim to increase political engagement amongst those currently disillusioned with our political system.

“As a councillor I will be proactive and always willing to hear residents’ concerns and suggestions for the area.”

The current composition of Devon County Council is:

  • Conservatives – 42
  • Labour – 6
  • Liberal Democrats – 6
  • Independent – 2
  • Green Party – 1
  • East Devon Alliance – 1
  • Non-aligned Liberal – 1
  • Vacant – 1


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