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Devon's healthcare workers abused

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Nearly 500 cases in three months

Healthcare workers in Devon say they are increasingly being abused.

Between April and June, 453 incidents of abuse of staff were recorded at Devon’s hospitals but many incidents are thought to be unreported.

Whilst the NHS in the county says while most patients continue to be polite, doctors, nurses, other health professionals and support teams reporte rising levels of swearing and abusive language, threatening and aggressive behaviour, and damage to property. Some staff are being left in tears and deeply traumatised as they seek to do their job, while other patients are left shocked and distressed at witnessing incidents.

Exeter GP Dr Paul Hynam is medical secretary for Devon's Local Medical Committee (LMC) and has seen some incidents and their impact first-hand. He says: “I know most people would not want to cause upset to our reception staff but sadly the rudeness, sarcasm and aggression of a significant minority is having a huge impact on staff wellbeing. 

“In recent months we’ve had tomatoes, eggs and stones thrown at our windows and a patient threatening to come and infect our staff with Covid because they were unable to do what he asked.”

The LMC says that this summer 12 Devon GP practice managers gave notice in a six-week period and that abuse from patients was one of the reasons for them deciding to leave their job.

Staff in Devon’s hospitals are also reporting increased abusive behaviour. This includes anger over changes to visiting restrictions, the requirement to wear a face mask or covering unless they are medically exempt, having to wait for treatment and being asked to attend emergency departments alone to allow social distancing.

Emergency department consultant Dr Tony Hudson who works at the Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust said: “We appreciate that it can sometimes feel frustrating, but we do everything we can to get people the care they need as quickly as possible while ensuring those with the most urgent needs are prioritised. In return, we ask that people continue to be polite, patient and respectful towards us – kindness makes such a difference to our day.”

Lucy Muchina, Regional Director, Royal College of Nursing South West is urging members to report incidents and said: “Our members and their colleagues are working under unprecedented pressures across the health service, so for them to be abused by service users and their families is not only absolutely unacceptable but also heart breaking. How some people in our communities can go so swiftly from clapping ‘the NHS’ to threatening and abusing the very people they want help from is beyond comprehension."

People who abuse or harass staff may be asked to leave and patients may be deregistered by their GP.

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