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Torbay man evicted illegally

Friday, 23 October 2020 09:35

By Ed Oldfield, local democracy reporter

Torbay town hall (courtesy: Ed Oldfield/LDRS)

He'd left while maintenance work undertaken

A tenant has reported being illegally evicted after he was asked to leave his home in Torbay for maintenance work. When the man returned, he found the landlord had changed the locks and removed his belongings.

Torbay Council stepped in and carried out an investigation, confirming that the eviction was against the law. The housing standards team brought in a locksmith to change the locks again so the tenant could return. The council is now considering whether to take action against the landlord, and has issued a statement advising tenants of their rights.

It said: “If you are being asked to leave your home without a legal process being fulfilled you can and should stay in your home, especially if you have nowhere else to stay.  Don’t sign any documents from the landlord which contain a date for you to leave by. Get legal advice before giving up your home voluntarily, even if eviction seems unavoidable.”

The council says it is illegal for a landlord to harass a tenant, lock them out even temporarily, or make them leave without a court order. Deputy leader Darren Cowell said: “We are now determining if further action should be taken in this case. The landlord could face a criminal prosecution with the possibility of a custodial sentence. 

“They may also be required to pay back up to 12 months’ rent via any rent repayment order sought and a banning order preventing them from letting property for a fixed time. Landlords really need to take note of this and if they are not sure of the guidance around eviction at the moment to check with us or look online.”

The council’s cabinet member for community services Christine Carter said: “Homelessness, and the threat of homelessness, is a significant problem throughout the UK and in the bay. Over the past seven months, and in direct response to the Covid crisis, the government has made changes to the laws that relate to the eviction process. 

“An initial ban was relaxed and replaced by an extended notice period of six months for so-called no fault evictions. Over this time period there have been reports nationally of an increase in harassment and illegal evictions with Citizens Advice reporting a 95 per cent increase in people asking for help with illegal evictions between the end of March and end of July, compared with the same period last year. If you find yourself becoming a victim of illegal eviction make sure you make contact with us and we will investigate this.”

The council statement added: “Only court-appointed bailiffs can legally evict people from their homes. Landlords must first give notice and then obtain a possession order from a court. Anyone else using force or changing locks is committing a criminal offence.“ If you are a tenant and you feel you have been evicted from your property illegally contact the Community Safety Department on 01803 208025.

If you are a landlord and are uncertain of your legal responsibilities when seeking to end a tenancy, seek legal advice and check the details set out on”

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