Hospiscare 40 Club
Get a song request and a mention on Radio Exe whilst raising funds for a local charity
We’re handing music control to you, by offering an exclusive voucher that will get you a dedication on the radio, which includes a short message and a song request.
It’s only a tenner - and all profits raised with go towards local charity Hospicare to fund end-of-life care across Exeter, Mid and East Devon.
It’s for a limited time only and we only have a hundred available. Please fill out the form below before donating.
Your request and celebration message must be submitted seven days prior to your requested date.
Please familiarise yourself with our terms and conditions below:
- You will receive one on-air mention and one song request per donation
- To guarantee your song request and dedication you must give us at least seven days notice. Donations can't be refunded for requests with less than 7 days notice
- Song requests will be played around 1:30 pm on weekdays, a member of the Radio Exe team will be in touch to inform you when your song will be played - so please ensure you have provided us with an email address and a contact number
- We will ask you to suggest three songs, if they do not pass programming approval, an alternative song will be chosen by Radio Exe
- All proceeds will go directly to Hospiscare
Read more about Hospiscare's 40 Club by clicking here.