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Redgates Exmouth needs some children

East Devon children's zones welcome back little ones

Children: good news! You can play more outside again, at least in play parks in East Devon. The council's unlocking another 12 on Monday following the relaxation of restrictions around the coronavirus lockdown.

In means that a third of the 71 play areas and eight outdoor gyms managed by the council are now open again: 24 of them. The rest should follow on 17 August, once safety inspections, risk assessments and mitigation measures have been put in place.

You can now play at:

Greenway Lane, Budleigh Salterton
Carter Avenue, Exmouth
Lady Byron, Exmouth
Littleham Village Hall, Exmouth
Liverton Copse, Exmouth
The Crescent, Exmouth
Davey's Playing Field, Honiton
Whitebridges, Honiton
Winters Lane, Ottery St Mary
Recreation Ground, Sidford
Slewton Crescent, Whimple

As well as play areas already open at:

Foxhill, Axminster
North Street, Axminster
Jubilee, Beer
Lime Kiln, Budleigh Salterton
Phear Park, Exmouth
Queen’s Drive play area, Exmouth
Redgates, Exmouth
Allhallows, Honiton
St Mark’s Road, Honiton
Land of Canaan, Ottery St Mary
Manstone Recreation Ground, Sidmouth
Stowford Rise, Sidmouth

New signage will be in place to remind people to maintain social distancing, to wash their hands thoroughly before and after their visit, to take their own hand sanitiser wherever possible and not to eat and drink whilst using play equipment. People should also take litter home or to dispose of it in the bins.

The council's statement says: "As with all outdoor equipment that can be used by everyone, play areas cannot be guaranteed to be free of coivd-19. Parents should supervise their children at all times and should take all reasonable precautions to ensure the safety of themselves and their children while using the equipment. Government guidance says parents, guardians and carers should sanitise children's hands both before and after using the play equipment.

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