Sidwell Street residents launch new Community Association initiative.
Local residents and business owners along Sidwell Street are being invited to join a new initiative to form 'The Sidwell Street Community Association'. Coordinated by St Sidwell's community centre.
It won’t cost members anything and they will receive regular newsletters and invitations to come along to social events and neighbourhood meetings. The first of these being a BBQ at the centre on Wednesday August the 1st, to celebrate and mark Sidwella Day, Exeter's patron saint. It will be an informal and public gathering, where you can just turn up, look around the permanent Heritage exhibition, have a guided tour of the site and meet other residents and traders.
Centre manager Dave Wright comments: “As you know, though we’re close to the heart of the City Centre, Sidwell Street has its own unique character. The reputation of the street isn’t always good and locally the street often seems to be regarded – and treated – as a poor relation of the rest of the city centre. But Sidwell Street has a high proportion of independent traders, a unique character and a rich history.”
Anyone wishing to find out more about 'The Sidwell Street Community Association' should contact either Dave Wright, the centre manager or Kev Winser, Project Coordinator. Contact - 01932 666222