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Buy one month, get one free with Radio Exe advertising

Advertising with Radio Exe is more affordable than ever.

The pandemic’s led to a rise of commercial radio listening across the UK, and Radio Exe has seen a notable rise in the audience streaming the station.

To help local business bounce back from lockdown we are offering a great discounted package. When you buy 100 x 30 second spots to run across either March, April and May we'll give you 100 x 30 second spots absolutely FREE to run across the following month! We'll also throw in a 30 second commercial, written and produced for FREE!

We don't just do 'radio' we offer a wide range of services too, such as access to our social media audience of about 32,000* people or our 91,300* unique monthly website readers – and we do video production, promotional work and digital packages too.

There really is no better time than to be advertising on Radio Exe to build your brand, bounce back from lockdown and shout about your business! 

The first step is easy, email or call Exeter 823557 and we’ll explain how we can help make our audience your customers.

Weekly reach: Radio Exe Total TSA, RAJAR Q320, based on “All Adults 15+”
Monthly unique users: Monthly rolling average (Feb 20 - Jan 21)

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