New phase of cycle route approved
Exeter’s Highways and Traffic Orders committee last week approved the £213,000 construction works of the next stage of the E4 cycle route for a route from Exhibition Way to Bettysmead Playing Fields off Beacon Lane.
Dave Black, Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment, to the committee said: “There is a need to encourage more people to take up cycling and walking to support increased physical activity and the continued growth of the city. The proposals offer all user groups better quality cycling and provide linkages between densely populated residential areas and key work, education and leisure destinations.
“The proposals will encourage people to walk and cycle, and so play a part to help people stay healthy and reduce the long term burden on the NHS. Offsetting cars journeys and reducing congestion will contribute to reducing air pollution which is better for cyclists, residents and pedestrians.”
Ten trees will be cut down to enable the works to go ahead, but planting will be undertaken to mitigate the loss of the trees.
Local businesses, residents and other necessary consultees will be informed of the proposed works and necessary traffic management, when construction is set to begin.